Monday, July 26, 2010


So a lot of things have really been on my mind lately.

You know its bad when your supervisor takes you aside and asks if theres something wrong.
Honestly I didnt think it was that noticeable that I was unhappy. Hm.
I feel I get more unhappy with each day.
Its pretty sad.
Mostly its just about stuff at home.
What direction Im expected to go in and what direction I WANT to go in.
Questioning myself a lot.
I just need to sit and think about how I can begin to make myself happy.
What things I need to do and how I can get there ya know.

Ex's tryna get at me again, but what else is new right?
They always think you're gonna fall into their trap,
fall for the "sweet" things they say;
"If I'm over you, why do I keep coming back to you"
You dont know what you're talking about.
Just because you see me in person somewhere and see I'm lookin good as hell, doesnt mean you miss me and want me back
Maybe for the moment
But they next day you're not gonna care

I guess they're always gonna do this to me, and everytime they you, ima think the same thing I always think; You're full of shit.
Boys are stupid.

Recently dropped some friends.
Oh well.
Not much to say about that, but I didnt care as much as I thought I did about them.

I've been workin myself to death at workin tryna get this money.
I have goals and I'm tryna meet them, so this is what I gotta do I guess.

Recently found out that Drake is coming on Nov. 2, my bday.
Tix go on sale July 31st
Presale tix on sale now.
I'll be getting mine soon, as soon as I figure out my money situation for the month.
How epic would it be to see Drake on my bday right?!
So like I said Nov. 2nd at the Wells Fargo Theatre in Denver at 8 :)

That is all.

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