Work was pretty much the same as always...
When I work in the mornings, the cleaners are always there, of course.
They're pretty nice but I would always catch this kid that cleans, staring at me.
I didn't really think anything of it, I just thought that he probably thought I was pretty or somethin.
He got comfortable to say hi to me every morning and once again I didn't really think much of it.
I'm a nice person so I'd smile..say hi.
Today he must have thought I liked him because he said hi to me and I smiled real big and the smile was still there when I left but I was actually smiling about what happened right before that with Alisha.
Apparently he sees Justin in the bathroom and he says "I've really been wanting to talk to Mariah, but it never seems like the right time" to Justin.
He hands Justin this paper with his number and name on it to give to me lol
And Justin is practically peeing while he does this lmfao
Sooo funny
It reminds me of middle school when you'd write a note to someone and give it to their friend to give to them hahaha.
So Justin finds me and hands me the paper and says "from your secret admirer" while smiling
I look at it and laugh and say "are u serious" because at first I didn't really process it and thought it was a joke.
I finally realized what it was and was like aww mannn hahaha
This kid looks like he's 17 at the oldest and he must think I'm that age because I don't usually wear makeup in the morning lol
The end of the story is, I ended up throwing it away when I got it.
I felt bad but I didn't want it lol
Anyway that's my story lol
Today was good tho...nobody bothered me with no drama and I'm glad.
That shit got old REAL fast!
I'm not even tryna hear about it or deal with it anymore.
What's done is done and that's all I can say about that.
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