It made me think. I hope it does the same to you.;
Soul Responsibility by Scott Vener
Why are we here? Are we born to procreate and die? If so, should
finding the perfect mate be our sole responsibility? Or, should personal goals be our primary concern? Most agree, the answer is in finding the appropriate balance. But, is that really possible?
How do two people balance each other out when they’re realistically
standing on different beams?
If the whole concept of a relationship is to work together and
become one or one unit working on behalf of two, who’s personal
goals become the priority of the unit?
Can two people, who have different personal goals or dreams coexist
in a relationship without making sacrifices that will infect and
eventually change ones own individual soul?
Can your love for another human being change the blueprint of what you thought your life should be about?
And, if we only have one life to live, should we as people allow this to happen?
It’s obvious that making sacrifices is an unavoidable obstacle in every relationship. But, as conscious human beings, aren’t we all silently keeping score?
So, where do you draw the line? In an ideal relationship, how many
sacrifices does it take to stop you from loving someone or knowing
they’re not “the one” for you?
On the flipside, how many times can you allow someone to give in to your needs before you start to lose respect for them?
Sure, it’s a constant balancing act. But, at what point does love
blur the lines so much that it starts to rob you of your own identity or make you feel like you’re stealing somebody else’s?
How can two people be true to themselves and do what’s best for the two?
Are we all organically lonely people selfishly searching for someone to accompany us on our own journey we’ve planned for ourselves or is there a perfect match for each and every one of us?
Do soul mates really exist?
If you agree life is about finding the balance between self fulfillment and your commitment to another human being.
Ask yourself this… if you were the only person or obstacle standing between your loved ones dream, would you risk losing them forever to allow them the opportunity to live it out?
Could you make that sacrifice?
If you didn’t, do you think the relationship could still survive?