Friday, February 26, 2010

Current Thoughts - 2.26.10

Soo I'm going to go see Shutter Island today. (Finally!)
Since the last time I went to the movies (last Sunday), some dummy decides to take me to see Dear John because he said it was good. (ugh) lol
I do NOT recommend it to anyone.
I've been wanting to see Shutter Island for awhile now.
Basically since I first seen the preview of it.

Also, I just found out from my buddy Serg that Lupe is having a concert here (in Denver) in April.
Problem is, I have nobody to go with me.
B doesn't listen to that kind of music.
All she likes is hard core gangsta rap. I'm surprised I'm getting her to go to the Wiz concert with me next Friday.
And I'm REALLY surprised that I got her to like Hellogoodbye. Crazyyyy shit.
They're coming in concert soon too, if you were wondering. lol.
In March sometime I think.
This is just my luck though.

Oh and another thing..
Why do camera lenses have to be so damn expensive for SLR cameras?!
I'm gonna have to get a damn job and save up for a $500 dollar lens and a bunch of other stuff.
Theres no pleasing me right now lol.

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