I love this song because so many people make the mistake of telling someone they love them, when really they are only in love with the IDEA of being in love.
You have to know the difference.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Decan Rush Event
Monday, March 29, 2010
Music Video Mondays
"Love hurts, but sometimes its a good hurt and it feels like I'm aliveeee"
My favorite band of all time, Incubus.
My favorite band of all time, Incubus.
Incubus- Love Hurts from Kat Linn on Vimeo.
Music Video Mondays
I've been a subscriber to this girl way before she had a deal.
Now look at her.
Love this song.
"I feel it all ova mah body
I dream about you when I sleep
You're the one for me
(You're the one)
You're the one for me
(You're the one)
All the signs say that
Eva since the day that
We laid eyes on eachotha baby
You're the one for me
(You're the one)
You're the one for me
(You're the one)"
Now look at her.
Love this song.
"I feel it all ova mah body
I dream about you when I sleep
You're the one for me
(You're the one)
You're the one for me
(You're the one)
All the signs say that
Eva since the day that
We laid eyes on eachotha baby
You're the one for me
(You're the one)
You're the one for me
(You're the one)"
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Cutie of the Day

Im featured in Dakota's blog as a cutie of the day :)
Def check out his blog at
New Blog Post Schedule
So its been awhile since I've posted a blog post.
Since I have a job now, I dont really have time :(
Its not like it takes up my whole day but I get really tired and don't feel like doing anything
or thinking of anything to post.
BUT I've come up with a blog post schedule sort of thing:
Monday - Music Video Monday
I'll post my favorite music videos (new and old).
Tuesday - Random
Pictures, Events, ect.
Wednesday - Video Wednesday
I'll post my favorite Vlogs I find on youtube or I'll post my own.
Random videos like covers, vlogs, funny shorts.
Thursday - Random Thought Thursday
My random thoughts, stories, dreams, ect.
Friday - Epic Artists Friday
Links, info about my favorite photographers, painters, music artists, ect.
Sat. & Sun. - Random
Pictures, Events, ect.
Since I have a job now, I dont really have time :(
Its not like it takes up my whole day but I get really tired and don't feel like doing anything
or thinking of anything to post.
BUT I've come up with a blog post schedule sort of thing:
Monday - Music Video Monday
I'll post my favorite music videos (new and old).
Tuesday - Random
Pictures, Events, ect.
Wednesday - Video Wednesday
I'll post my favorite Vlogs I find on youtube or I'll post my own.
Random videos like covers, vlogs, funny shorts.
Thursday - Random Thought Thursday
My random thoughts, stories, dreams, ect.
Friday - Epic Artists Friday
Links, info about my favorite photographers, painters, music artists, ect.
Sat. & Sun. - Random
Pictures, Events, ect.
Size Matters
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Random at work
So I'm at work and I'm bored :(
I'm on my lunch break
Can't believe I'm staying this long!
I went in at 6 am and I'm staying until 2 pm
At least I'm getting paid for it right? Lol
Anyways...I went and got New Moon last Friday night.
Watched it yesterday.
I had forgotten how much sexual tention and awkwardness there was in certain scenes of the movie.
I seriously can't stand them, they're so awkward.
I have to fast fwd through those parts lol
That's how much I can't stand it lol
Nothin is really goin on this week except for work everyday.
Some people have been actin suspicious though.
Like people callin me late at night when I'm asleep that I rarely ever talk to.
Something goin on, I know it!
Oh wait, we're havin movie night on Friday at Leti's.
Well..that is all.
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I'm on my lunch break
Can't believe I'm staying this long!
I went in at 6 am and I'm staying until 2 pm
At least I'm getting paid for it right? Lol
Anyways...I went and got New Moon last Friday night.
Watched it yesterday.
I had forgotten how much sexual tention and awkwardness there was in certain scenes of the movie.
I seriously can't stand them, they're so awkward.
I have to fast fwd through those parts lol
That's how much I can't stand it lol
Nothin is really goin on this week except for work everyday.
Some people have been actin suspicious though.
Like people callin me late at night when I'm asleep that I rarely ever talk to.
Something goin on, I know it!
Oh wait, we're havin movie night on Friday at Leti's.
Well..that is all.
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Sunday, March 21, 2010
Ugh Really?
I hate when people say "you never hit me up!"
Then when u do, they stop texting you back
What's the point motherfucker lol
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Then when u do, they stop texting you back
What's the point motherfucker lol
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Thursday, March 18, 2010
Where are good manners these days?
Whats up with people that dont teach their kids manners?
Honestly, you think thats cute?
The fact that your kid has no manners..
Its ridiculous
We're driving to the bank yesterday, I'm minding my own business
Talkin to ma about somethin
I look to the right of me and theres a school bus
And in it, a lil black boy
I smile at him, thinking he'll smile back sincerely
He smiles as if to mock me, then starts making faces at me
I was so appauled
Its kinda funny, but I was so taken aback by this boy
Was he really making these crazy ass faces at me on purpose to make me mad?
So I make a face at the kid
You know those kinda faces like your sayin "wtf are you lookin at?"
And to my complete surprise, this kid makes the same face I made at him, back at me!
At this point I'm really angry
Not even mad, but pure anger
Its funny now, but I was so frustrated
I look away, try to ignore it
And go on this rant about how my kids better not ever do that or I'll kick their asses
About how my kids are gonna have good manners and have respect for people
So I ramble and ramble on
Later on I realize a lot of kids are like this
Whats so hard about teaching your kids right from wrong
Teaching them a little manners
Please tell me why so many kids these days have no respect because it really puzzles me.
Honestly, you think thats cute?
The fact that your kid has no manners..
Its ridiculous
We're driving to the bank yesterday, I'm minding my own business
Talkin to ma about somethin
I look to the right of me and theres a school bus
And in it, a lil black boy
I smile at him, thinking he'll smile back sincerely
He smiles as if to mock me, then starts making faces at me
I was so appauled
Its kinda funny, but I was so taken aback by this boy
Was he really making these crazy ass faces at me on purpose to make me mad?
So I make a face at the kid
You know those kinda faces like your sayin "wtf are you lookin at?"
And to my complete surprise, this kid makes the same face I made at him, back at me!
At this point I'm really angry
Not even mad, but pure anger
Its funny now, but I was so frustrated
I look away, try to ignore it
And go on this rant about how my kids better not ever do that or I'll kick their asses
About how my kids are gonna have good manners and have respect for people
So I ramble and ramble on
Later on I realize a lot of kids are like this
Whats so hard about teaching your kids right from wrong
Teaching them a little manners
Please tell me why so many kids these days have no respect because it really puzzles me.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Thoughts - 3.16.10
For those of you who dont know, I had my orientation today at work.
It was good, mostly filled our paperwork and stuff.
First day is Thurs ;)
Thanks to those who asked me how it went
Serg and my family lol
Tomorrow its supposed to be almost 70 degrees outside!
Im so excited.
Think Im gonna wear shorts or capris. hmmm.
I have a couple things I gotta do tomorrow.
It will be a good day.

It was good, mostly filled our paperwork and stuff.
First day is Thurs ;)
Thanks to those who asked me how it went
Serg and my family lol
Tomorrow its supposed to be almost 70 degrees outside!
Im so excited.
Think Im gonna wear shorts or capris. hmmm.
I have a couple things I gotta do tomorrow.
It will be a good day.

I know people debate the commonly used phrase
"Once a cheater, always a cheater"
Personally, I dont think thats true.
But what if it was physical and/or verbal abuse?
Is it different?
Do you think if someone was to physically harm someone, they would always be that way?
That question was brought up today on a radio show I regularly listen to.
It made me and my ma think a little.
Is it possible that someone could go through the process of making the nessesary adjustments such as anger management to make sure they never harm anyone again and it actually work?
In the case of cheating, I believe that someone may be a cheater
Yeah they may cheat on every boyfriend/girlfriend they have
But if they were to meet the person they were meant to be with
The RIGHT person
They would stop
Thats just my opinion
I think abuse is different
I think once the male puts his hands on a female and knows the rush,
knows the power
he'll do it again
I also think theres more to it than just physical
In most cases its verbal and phsycological
Theres usually controlling and possessive behavior along with it
For the women that wonder to themselves
"Should I go back to him? He says hes changed and he's gone through the program."
I would say dont
It only takes one time
Maybe that one time he hits you, you die
You never know...It only takes one
Why would you wanna put yourself at such risk
Then in going back to that person, they feel as if they can do anything to you and you'll take them back.
Do you really wanna be scared of that person?
Always thinking what would happen if you got that person mad so you tip-toe around certain things to prevent the slightest disagreement.
At the first sign of controlling behavior, get out.
If you are being abused or know someone who is, call
1-800-799-SAFE (7233)
I know I sound like a commercial, but its a serious issue.
More than half of the domestic violence cases have never been reported.
"Once a cheater, always a cheater"
Personally, I dont think thats true.
But what if it was physical and/or verbal abuse?
Is it different?
Do you think if someone was to physically harm someone, they would always be that way?
That question was brought up today on a radio show I regularly listen to.
It made me and my ma think a little.
Is it possible that someone could go through the process of making the nessesary adjustments such as anger management to make sure they never harm anyone again and it actually work?
In the case of cheating, I believe that someone may be a cheater
Yeah they may cheat on every boyfriend/girlfriend they have
But if they were to meet the person they were meant to be with
The RIGHT person
They would stop
Thats just my opinion
I think abuse is different
I think once the male puts his hands on a female and knows the rush,
knows the power
he'll do it again
I also think theres more to it than just physical
In most cases its verbal and phsycological
Theres usually controlling and possessive behavior along with it
For the women that wonder to themselves
"Should I go back to him? He says hes changed and he's gone through the program."
I would say dont
It only takes one time
Maybe that one time he hits you, you die
You never know...It only takes one
Why would you wanna put yourself at such risk
Then in going back to that person, they feel as if they can do anything to you and you'll take them back.
Do you really wanna be scared of that person?
Always thinking what would happen if you got that person mad so you tip-toe around certain things to prevent the slightest disagreement.
At the first sign of controlling behavior, get out.
If you are being abused or know someone who is, call
1-800-799-SAFE (7233)
I know I sound like a commercial, but its a serious issue.
More than half of the domestic violence cases have never been reported.
Lady Antebellum
I have this song stuck in my head.
It's by lady antebellum and it's called need you now.
It's my ma's favorite song.
It goes..
It's a quarter after onee
I'm all alone
And I need you nowwwwwww
I love it even tho it's a country song hehe ;)
Soo a couple hours ago i posted this...
im editing it now to embed the video :)
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It's by lady antebellum and it's called need you now.
It's my ma's favorite song.
It goes..
It's a quarter after onee
I'm all alone
And I need you nowwwwwww
I love it even tho it's a country song hehe ;)
Soo a couple hours ago i posted this...
im editing it now to embed the video :)
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Friday, March 12, 2010
Thoughts - 3.12.10
Dont you hate it when you're minding your own business
Doin your thing
When someone mentions someone that you dont like
You see their name
And it ruins your whole day
I cant even see this persons face or name
or even hear it
without cringing
and kinda regretting knowing them
Also I hate when Facebook suggests you be friends
with someone you dont even like.
So anyway...just got off the phone with B
We were discussing our plan for this year
Save monies
Go on a shopping spree
Saving again
Going on a vacay
Save again
Get our own place
Save to get my puppy
Sounds like a good plan no?
Oh..for those of you that dont know
I finally have a job!
I start Tuesday
Im so excited ahhhh
Its about time
Tomorrow morning me and ma are gonna go see Alice in Wonderland finally
I got other stuff I gotta do tomorrow
Me and B are goin out next weekend to this Fashion thing at BETA
see ya there maybe?
My buddy Serg has a couple shows comin up
I'll def try to be at those :)
Anyway...all is goin good so far...
Hope everything is good for you guys
p.s. tell your friends about my blog;)
and thank you to those already following!
Doin your thing
When someone mentions someone that you dont like
You see their name
And it ruins your whole day
I cant even see this persons face or name
or even hear it
without cringing
and kinda regretting knowing them
Also I hate when Facebook suggests you be friends
with someone you dont even like.
So anyway...just got off the phone with B
We were discussing our plan for this year
Save monies
Go on a shopping spree
Saving again
Going on a vacay
Save again
Get our own place
Save to get my puppy
Sounds like a good plan no?
Oh..for those of you that dont know
I finally have a job!
I start Tuesday
Im so excited ahhhh
Its about time
Tomorrow morning me and ma are gonna go see Alice in Wonderland finally
I got other stuff I gotta do tomorrow
Me and B are goin out next weekend to this Fashion thing at BETA
see ya there maybe?
My buddy Serg has a couple shows comin up
I'll def try to be at those :)
Anyway...all is goin good so far...
Hope everything is good for you guys
p.s. tell your friends about my blog;)
and thank you to those already following!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Diggy - Made You Look Freestyle
Whoaaa buddy
I didnt even know Diggy could rap like this
and this is a freestyle?!
Its too dope
I loves it
I didnt even know Diggy could rap like this
and this is a freestyle?!
Its too dope
I loves it
Diggy - Made you look Freestyle (Flow Stoopid) from Diggy Simmons on Vimeo.
U-N-I Feat. Miguel - Lately
Official Vid of my jam, Lately
Im your electric lovah
Put me in ya socket
What you discovah
Fuck with me babe
Fuck with me babe
You on mah mind right now
You on mah mind right now
Nah nah ta dowww
Im your electric lovah
Put me in ya socket
What you discovah
Fuck with me babe
Fuck with me babe
You on mah mind right now
You on mah mind right now
Nah nah ta dowww
Eclipse Official Movie Trailer
So excited for June 30th.
Also, New Moon comes out on DVD/Blu Ray on March 20th.
I believe I seen a commercial that Wal-Mart was gonna have a "fan pack"
and will be selling the movie at midnight.
I noticed that in Eclipse, they changed Victoria.
hmm...wonder why.
I'm not sure if I like this new girls look, but we'll see.
I will be seeing the premiere of Eclipse, like I did with New Moon.
Also, New Moon comes out on DVD/Blu Ray on March 20th.
I believe I seen a commercial that Wal-Mart was gonna have a "fan pack"
and will be selling the movie at midnight.
I noticed that in Eclipse, they changed Victoria.
hmm...wonder why.
I'm not sure if I like this new girls look, but we'll see.
I will be seeing the premiere of Eclipse, like I did with New Moon.
B.o.B. Feat. Bruno Mars - Nothin On You
First off...I did not know B.o.B. was that cute. lol.
Hes a cutie for sure
Second...SO IS BRUNO MARS lol
he got some nice teeth tho, I cant lie LOL
dope video
Hes a cutie for sure
Second...SO IS BRUNO MARS lol
he got some nice teeth tho, I cant lie LOL
dope video
Stop Telephoning Me-e-e-e-e
Lady Gaga Feat. Beyonce - Telephone
they both look hott.
"Trust is like a mirror
you can fix it if its broke
But you can still see a crack in that
motherfuckers reflection"
they both look hott.
"Trust is like a mirror
you can fix it if its broke
But you can still see a crack in that
motherfuckers reflection"
Monday, March 8, 2010
Jason Castro
It was love at first hear lol.
I fell in love with this guys voice ever since I heard part of the song on the Overstock.com commercial.
Luckily it said the name of the song and who sang it at the bottom of the commercial.
enjoy ;)
I fell in love with this guys voice ever since I heard part of the song on the Overstock.com commercial.
Luckily it said the name of the song and who sang it at the bottom of the commercial.
enjoy ;)
Jimmy Eat World
This has always been my theme song ;)
Don't write yourself off yet.
It's only in your head you feel left out,
Or looked down on.
Just try your best,
Try everything you can.
And don't you worry what they tell themselves
When you're away.
It just takes some time,
little girl, you're in the middle of the ride.
Everything, everything will be just fine,
Everything, everything will be alright. (alright)
You know they're all the same.
You know you're doing better on your own, (on your own)
So don't buy in.
Live right now.
Yeah, just be yourself.
It doesn't matter if it's good enough (good enough)
For someone else.
[Chorus x2]
Hey, don't write yourself off yet.
It's only in your head you feel left out, (feel left out)
Or looked down on.
Just do your best, (just do your best)
Do everything you can. (do everything you can)
And don't you worry what their bitter hearts (bitter hearts)
Are gonna say.
[Chorus x2]
Don't write yourself off yet.
It's only in your head you feel left out,
Or looked down on.
Just try your best,
Try everything you can.
And don't you worry what they tell themselves
When you're away.
It just takes some time,
little girl, you're in the middle of the ride.
Everything, everything will be just fine,
Everything, everything will be alright. (alright)
You know they're all the same.
You know you're doing better on your own, (on your own)
So don't buy in.
Live right now.
Yeah, just be yourself.
It doesn't matter if it's good enough (good enough)
For someone else.
[Chorus x2]
Hey, don't write yourself off yet.
It's only in your head you feel left out, (feel left out)
Or looked down on.
Just do your best, (just do your best)
Do everything you can. (do everything you can)
And don't you worry what their bitter hearts (bitter hearts)
Are gonna say.
[Chorus x2]
Today started out good but ended badly.
I'm not gonna go into details.
Frankly I don't wanna talk to anyone at all about it.
I just hope things get better
And I hope I'm wrong about something in particular
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I'm not gonna go into details.
Frankly I don't wanna talk to anyone at all about it.
I just hope things get better
And I hope I'm wrong about something in particular
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Ink mah whole body, I don't give a motherfuck

Just got home from the Wiz Khalifa concert in Denver at the Marquis.
I'm pretty tired so I'm doin this in bed on my iPhone lol.
I was very disappointed in tonight.
I love Khalifa but there was lots of bullshit and bitchassness goin on.
Brandy and I got there about two hours early to ensure we get a place in the front. They decided they aren't going to open until 8 so we wait in the truck til 7:30.
By that time there's about twenty people outside, not too bad.
We were one of the first in line.
As we wait, the line gets longer.
So we're like "sucks for those motherfuckers hahaha" lmao
The woman about to take the tickets announces that we need our I.d. To get in and both of ours was in the car.
We have to get out of line to go get it.
While walking back to the Marquis, I trip and fall and people nearby laugh at me, including brandy. (how embarrassing!)
We wait in line, finally get our tix scanned and realize they didn't even need our ID.
Our original plan was to go early to get in front right?
Well that's like impossible now!
We decide to chill and slowly make our way to the front.
We do a pretty good job too, til some asshole wants to talk shit to me.
It's funny how people talk shit because they think you're too scared to say shit, but once you do, they shut their ass up.
Just cuz I'm 5'1 doesn't mean shit.
I'm gonna say whatever the hell I please if I feel you deserve it.
Anyway so this fucker is talkin bout "what the hell you tryna do? These bitches tryna get in front of us?"
Now first of all, I'm just standing there minding my own business when his ass started.
"I'm fucking standing here, what the fuck does it look like dumbass?
I'm not tryna do shit, do u see me tryna do shit? Shut the fuck up and turn around"
We get ta arguing, tha bitch next to him is like "just stop I don't want no shit to be started"
Then this white couple are drunk off their ass and can't even stand straight.
They're falling all over everybody and pushing and shoving while tryin to grind on eachother.
I had to tell them to stop cuz this tall white girl with her big black boyfriend behind her, wouldn't say a damn thing.
Mannn sometimes I got a mouth on me that's uncontrollable.
Finally Wiz comes out and keep in mind, I'm somewhere in the middle and I'm 5'1.
At this time, I can already barely breathe because it's so hot.
Not good.
People go crazy, start shoving and jumping and little me is getting pushed around to where I couldn't make the slightest movement.
I start freaking out, all these people all around me are way taller than me, I already can't breathe or move.
I'm thinking if I fall, I'm gonna get trampled on and suffocate to death.
It was bad
I had to get out.
Wiz performed about 5 or 6 songs. :-|
We waited for him for 2 hours and he gives us that.
I'm disappointed.
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Friday, March 5, 2010
Academy Awards

So I'm driving in the truck. Picking up my brother from school.
While I'm waiting for him in the parking lot, I'm listening to my favorite radio show (Slacker & Steve 105.9).
They start talking about the Academy awards and I get more interested so I turn the volume up just a little more.
I had been planning to watch the Academy awards since I seen the commercial for it on tv about a month or two ago.
I even put the alarm in my calendar on my phone for it so I dont forget lol.
Anyway, like I was saying...They start talking about it.
Slacker starts saying that he wants poor people to call in and explain if they are offended by the awards this year and at this point, I'm getting really confused.
I dont really know what they're talking about so I listen more intently.
The first woman calls in and Slacker explains that supposedly they have asked everyone attending the award ceremony to "dress down" this year because people watching the awards at home are poor, basically.
I wasnt really offended as much as I was disappointed.
People dont watch award shows to see who wins.
Well maybe some do, but I dont really care.
I watch to see what people are wearing!
I want to see the glamour, the name brands that I cant afford.
People watch award shows to get away from their own life for a little while.
To fantasize about themselves being at the Oscars.
Its a get-away for people.
If people attending were to "dress down" for it, their ratings, frankly, are going to be really low.
I know I wont watch the whole thing.
I dont wanna see Penelope Cruz in a blouse and some jeans.
I want to see her in a beautiful gown.
I really hope this is all a lie lol.
Scratch that
Soo scratch that last thing I said about goin out to eat with a friend.
If something was to ruin my day, it would be that person, but since I'm gonna make today the best it can be, I'm good :).
Plus, B is comin over tonight to watch movies. I need some girl talk right about now.
Tomorrow will be stupendous n I won't be worrying about a thing;)
This was yesterday :)

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If something was to ruin my day, it would be that person, but since I'm gonna make today the best it can be, I'm good :).
Plus, B is comin over tonight to watch movies. I need some girl talk right about now.
Tomorrow will be stupendous n I won't be worrying about a thing;)
This was yesterday :)

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Thursday, March 4, 2010
Today was a great day.
Thats the first time I could say that in quite awhile.
First, it was warm today :) 55 degrees today so I wore flip flops :)
It was sooo nice today, I cant get over it, but anyway
Secondly, I found something I've been lookin for, for a longggg time
Third, I went out to eat today and had a meal only fit for kings lol
Fourth, I got a call to have a interview on Saturday!!! mann so excited.
Fifth, I realized today is Thursday.
That means tomorrow I will be having lunch with a friend.
And Saturday I have the interview, then my aunties are takin me to Olive Garden :D
Then Saturday night is the Wiz concert
ahhh sooo excited.
It's been good starting today so hopefully this keeps up and nothing goes wrong.
Hopefully sometime this weekend I get to go see Alice in Wonderland
Anybody who really knows me, knows that Alice in Wonderland was my all-time fave Disney movie when I was little. So I have to see it!
Plus, it's got Johnny Depp in it :D
Sooo thats whats been goin on with me I guess.
I know I havent posted much and its already the 4th
Last month I posted a shit load of stuff lol
I'm on it though.
I know I dont have many followers at this point, but I appriciate the people who are following my blog ;) thank you.
p.s. tell your friends hehe
Today was a great day.
Thats the first time I could say that in quite awhile.
First, it was warm today :) 55 degrees today so I wore flip flops :)
It was sooo nice today, I cant get over it, but anyway
Secondly, I found something I've been lookin for, for a longggg time
Third, I went out to eat today and had a meal only fit for kings lol
Fourth, I got a call to have a interview on Saturday!!! mann so excited.
Fifth, I realized today is Thursday.
That means tomorrow I will be having lunch with a friend.
And Saturday I have the interview, then my aunties are takin me to Olive Garden :D
Then Saturday night is the Wiz concert
ahhh sooo excited.
It's been good starting today so hopefully this keeps up and nothing goes wrong.
Hopefully sometime this weekend I get to go see Alice in Wonderland
Anybody who really knows me, knows that Alice in Wonderland was my all-time fave Disney movie when I was little. So I have to see it!
Plus, it's got Johnny Depp in it :D
Sooo thats whats been goin on with me I guess.
I know I havent posted much and its already the 4th
Last month I posted a shit load of stuff lol
I'm on it though.
I know I dont have many followers at this point, but I appriciate the people who are following my blog ;) thank you.
p.s. tell your friends hehe
Bad Chick Alert Bad Bad Chick Alert lol
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
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